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Peranakan Trail..

2day went 2 peranakan trail w class...was QUITE fun..first stop was emerald hill..thought was something excitng as 4 lit we r doin 'Emily Of Emerald Hill'but..it proved itself wrong...My Blog is really dead....next,we went to The Peranakan Muesam.Was quite interesting...lots of places to take PHOTOS!!!Then we went off to eat KATONG LAKSA!!!!!At Katong (obvious!) Finally,we went passed THE KATONG ANTIQUE HOUSE.Then Home Sweet Home..Took LOTS of PICTURES!!

Monday, March 30, 2009@7:53 PM

T3 2day.lots of pictures...maybe will upload(maybe not)made clarissa laugh LOTS 2day.HAHAHAHAHAHA.missed trainin cos of this.seems nothing BIG happened 2day during training.....hv 2 do a presentation of our trip 2 T3 to the class...sighs...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009@6:28 PM


Whoa.Youth Sunday was over in a FLASH.Ushered.FUN!!!Tough & Tiring but FUN!!!had to insert booklet into hymnal and give it out.with Denise.Charis Too.if she was not there,we wouldnt hv been able to cope.So THANK YOU GUYS!!!!'Morning',(smile),'Morning'(smile)X to those who are coming in.Hahahas.

MMs yesterday.baked cookies,ate sushi.HAHAHA + take photos

10:55 AM


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!YAY!!yesterday,voted 4 cap & vice cap.congrates 2 those who chosen!!!!YAY!!!no more seein maryjane!!!(sniff,sniff)very sad!!!!!!2day was ok.trained a sec 1.but it still wasnt the same w out u guys!!!CELEBRATED!!!thanks to those who gave me gifts!!!!you know who u are!!!!sighs...still hv hw undone...class sang song 4 me!!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009@6:30 PM

Sweet Pea



