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i am BACK!!!!yes,yes maryjane,i will upload the photos.....boohoo...did not managed 2 get into nationals....anyway i didnt play 4 the final match...sighs....we would know who is out of the team after CT1 which is this week.so it means on FRI!!!!HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!Thanks 4 the gifts all!!you know who u are!!!!SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!want 2 pass CT1 but i dont think it is possible...as nvr study...Geog & Compo 2day!!!chose Q1-write about the biggest lie u ever told & the consequences....sort of made it up!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009@4:16 PM


WHOA!!!!!2day we WON NCH to 1-4 whoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yesterday won BS 0-5 YAY!!!Yesterday was like sweatin like crazy..when my turn 2 play cannot play properly...but 2day was NOT nervous at all!!!had mission...so that means NO LESSONS!!!!recess fm 10 57 - 11 50 good rite???so once we came bk fm recess,we left 2 train etc.You rock Mel & Jasmin!!!!Mel like spash water on me @ NBS.so like half of my face was WET!!!!!I took Jasmin's Place.

Thursday, February 5, 2009@8:03 PM


Hi i am Back!!!...Northzone is on wed and i am still not quite ready....to think of the WHOLE team watchin me is like SCARY!!!!but it is nice to leave class early for a change...Saw chingay floats yesterday...was like WHOA!!!stuck at junction...rolled down the window and waved...people on it waved back and shouted to me HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!=)Argh...2mw hv trainin...sat had to come early 8.30 ah!!!!! as fri came late as compass.50 x4=200 serve and if wron court,must START ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!but then later laoshi said that don't need....Compass with 9 people...hannah was gettin 'bullied'by michelle by takin her pepsi...muahahahaha people call her 'tapwater'whats sooo funny abt that???how would u like it if somebody calls u that???stupid....

Monday, February 2, 2009@3:49 PM

Sweet Pea



