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The Midsummer night Dream.

Watched The Midsummer's night dream yesterday & it was worth it!!!!It ROCKS!!!I LOVE IT!!!!IT WAS THE BEST THING!!!!Saw the performers,they did very well!!Today,had traning but it ended early as the gym needed to be used.

Friday, June 27, 2008@8:16 PM


Watched THE INCREDIBLE HULK yesterday,2.15 show,AMK Hub.But the queue was long & we had 2 wait.in the end,we went in @ 2.30pm.it had already started as the lady at the counter said that the advertisements were 7 min long!The show was FABULOUS!!!

Today, went bk 4 training.reached sch @ 9 something.In the end, we did not need 2 go w the seniors 2 some secondary sch.We had 2 train by ourselves.Then WHY did WE HAD 2 COME 2 SCH SO EARLY?But since we came 2 sch early,we got 2 leave EARLIER!!

Oh,right!On Sunday,we went 2 Central.After having lunch,we went w my cousins 2 look around while our parents chatted.My Brother & i shared a Japanese Ice-Cream!YUMMY!!Tiramisu!!While my cousin bought cookies & cream!Later while we explore,we saw a Japanese shop @ the basement & went in.There was coke etc. in metal bottles,SWEETS!! My Brother,bought a mentos.It was all rite!
Shall upload pictures later...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008@11:59 AM


Just finished eating lunch.Yummy!delicious lunch!2day coach did not come,so we played friendly match.winner move up & loser move down.there was 4 tables & 9 of us so one person had to wait & take turns.ate the banana cake during break & shared with 2 people.soo happy that someone finally tag me!or there would only be my first tag,miserable......So Thanks you guys!you know who u are!!!!Thanks a bunch!but no one has taken the frens test yet...& the timing is still wrong......maybe later going 2 do the maths 111.need 2 finished hw or would be in deep trouble when sch re-opens!

Friday, June 13, 2008@2:13 PM

Back to School

Went bk 2 sch yesterday...had 2 wake up early!if not i would be late and would hv 2 do punishment!!!!! 2morrow hv 2 go bk 2 sch again!!it is actually quite fun 2 see others play.then again i would be slacking & would get scolded by teacher.would be train by coach 2morrow as he did not train me & a few others as well..no one is tagging!then again only few know that this blog exists!

The timing is still wrong!anyone care 2 help?

Thursday, June 12, 2008@4:22 PM

Friendship Test

Hey i created a friendship test.
Do you know me well??

Create your own Friend Test here
Ps : i don't know whats wrong the timing. anyone care to help?

Saturday, June 7, 2008@11:25 PM

First Post!!!

My first blog is finally up and running!!!
Tag before u leave!!!

5:55 PM

Sweet Pea



