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Joined The Honeystars 4 lunch yesterday...

Ate at POMO???yup..teriyaki don?after tat went 2 photo shop & played bridge?(no,2 observe.as had no clue how to play?)yup then we went 2 Cathy 2 buy tickets.As we had lots of time 2 kill...we ate BEN & JERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D it was AWESOME!!!!had cookie dough,chocolate brownie?and coffee buzz buzz!!!All in one handpacked tub!!:D:Then we watch Night At The Museum 2!!!ALBERT EINSTEIN BOBBLE HEAD!!!!!!Doing e saturday night FEVER!!!!:D:D:D:D

CIAO!!Gotta practice posing 4 photo taking 2mw!!XD

Monday, May 25, 2009@7:22 PM


Exams are FINALLY OVER!!!WHOOO!!!actually it ended on mon but i was too lazy to type this down.so now you hv it 2 days late.hahahas.brought a HEAVY bag 2 sch when in the end,we were going 2 check exams papers e whole day.-.-"should hv known.so Eng & Lit did EXTREMLY well,As for maths & science,i can not say e same thing.omg.i think tat 17 again showing is gonna end.Awwwww......but i soo GONNA catch it!!!(hopefully.)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009@4:54 PM

i SERIOUSLY need to START studying..But here i am, sitting and typing this down.i wanna watch 17 again....EXAMS are ROUND e corner and i am still here...cannot resist the temptation of the COMPUTER!

CIAO!gotta hit the books.

Monday, April 27, 2009@6:47 PM

so gonna...

Utgh..2.4 2day...did alrite...Cheered Maryjane on!:D

Iam sooo gonna watch this.


Saturday, April 18, 2009@5:40 PM


Do u know wat happen???no i dont think so.Yesterday,i was walking down the staircase to leave school when i suddenly tripped (maybe missed a step?)and i tumbled down.NO i am not KIDDING!!!i literally fell down the stairs!(maybe rolled?)And everyone was like looking at ME!How can i rolled down?i was the 4th last step and the next thing i noe,i am falling down & i tried 2 stop myself by sticking my hand out but it was futile.Now i have FIVE big bruises, my arm hurts & i possibly may have SPRAIN my ankle.And PFT is comin & i have training & i just ran TWO big rounds around school in the wee hours of morning.(no,i am kidding about the wee hours part)no,the FIRST thing after assembly.OMGhow am i gonna score 4 PFT??

2day had Home Econs.Lots of people did not come.Ate Alex's Brocolli.=)NICE!!We did different types of cooking-boiling,steaming,grilling,microwaving & stir-frying.Made Chicken!=)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009@6:32 PM

Peranakan Trail..

2day went 2 peranakan trail w class...was QUITE fun..first stop was emerald hill..thought was something excitng as 4 lit we r doin 'Emily Of Emerald Hill'but..it proved itself wrong...My Blog is really dead....next,we went to The Peranakan Muesam.Was quite interesting...lots of places to take PHOTOS!!!Then we went off to eat KATONG LAKSA!!!!!At Katong (obvious!) Finally,we went passed THE KATONG ANTIQUE HOUSE.Then Home Sweet Home..Took LOTS of PICTURES!!

Monday, March 30, 2009@7:53 PM

T3 2day.lots of pictures...maybe will upload(maybe not)made clarissa laugh LOTS 2day.HAHAHAHAHAHA.missed trainin cos of this.seems nothing BIG happened 2day during training.....hv 2 do a presentation of our trip 2 T3 to the class...sighs...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009@6:28 PM

Sweet Pea



